Feb 13, 2010

Preliminary Rounds

We would like to thank all the schools who have registered for Geography Challenge 2010. Below is the outline of the program on 20th February 2010, Saturday.

0730h – 0815hRegistration at LT 11
0830h – 0915hOpening and Welcome Address
0930h – 1015hPrelims Section A (MCQ - Individual)
1030h – 1100hBreak
1100h – 1145hPrelims Section B (Application Question - Team)
1145h-1230hGeo-Tunes Briefing and Closing Address (LT11)
1230hEnd of Event

1. Please be reminded that all participants should report to the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, LT 11 by 7.45 AM sharp to facilitate registration.

2. Students participating in the event must bring along with them their NRIC/ EZ link card for identification purpose. Please take note that the any reserve participant that the school may have chosen on their own accord is not required to attend the Preliminary Round. If there is to be any change in names due to valid reasons, schools are requested to inform us before 20th February itself if possible, if not, upon registration.

3. GC T-shirts will be given out upon registration. The Organising Committee will allocate the T-shirt sizes according to the sizes indicated on the submitted Entry Forms. However, in the event that there is limited stock of certain sizes, some students might not be able to get their desired sizes.

4. Teachers who choose to wait for the students for the duration of the Preliminary Rounds are welcome to stay in the Earth Lab (near to LT11) whilst the students are completing the questions. There will be a talk by Head of Department of Geography, Associate Professor Shirlena Huang. Payment can also be made during this period.

5. Schools can choose to submit payment via cheque/ cash upon registration on the actual day itself. The registration fee for NUS GC is SGD60 per team. Registration fees will be used to cover the operational needs for this competition.

6. As part of Preliminary Rounds, schools are required to bring markers. Each school should have FOUR markers. This will be needed during Preliminary Rounds.

7. Click here for a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Preliminary Rounds to be held on the 20th of February 2010.

We look forward to seeing you on 20th Feb. Have a great Chinese New Year break!

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